At last week’s meeting of Ballynahinch Camera Club, club member David Barr gave a very informative and entertaining talk about his fifty years behind the camera. David delivered his talk in his own inimitable way and interspersed it with many amusing anecdotes.
He took his audience back to the days of film and the kit which he took with him to shoot weddings using medium format cameras and rolls of twelve exposure film – very different to the digital equipment of today. David illustrated his talk with prints and projected images of some of the excellent photographs, and not so excellent, he has taken over the years. He shared some of his tips on how to get the best out of his subjects when taking portraits or how to achieve a stunning landscape image.
Whether taking photographs for the local press or at sporting events, David’s love of photography, and people, came across to the club members.
This week’s guest speaker is local photographer Raphael Mason.
New members are always welcome and if anyone with an interest in photography would like more details of joining the club they should visit the club website – www.ballynahinchcameraclub.co.uk.