At last week’s meeting of Ballynahinch Camera Club, club president Terry Hanna gave a
very informative talk on one of his passions – gig photography. The audience was left in no
doubt as to Terry’s love for, and depth of knowledge of, blues and soul music as he showed
many of the images of artistes he has taken over the years. Terry told many of the amusing,
and sometimes poignant, backstories to his photographs. He also explained how they were
taken and the difficulties he encountered, such as microphones and speakers in the ‘wrong’
place along with difficult lighting conditions.
Round 4 of the NIPA competitions this year is on the theme of Entertainment/Arts and Terry
opened up the discussion as to what type of photograph would best fit this title. This
prompted much lively debate.
At this week’s meeting, club members John Knipe and Mark Magee will talk about their
recent charity events.
New members are always welcome and if anyone with an interest in photography would like
more details of joining the club they should visit the club website –