Last week’s meeting of the club saw a departure from the usual type of subject when club members Jim Hunter and Keith Wilson talked about how they used their digital cameras (and phones) to make videos rather than just taking photographs.

Jim’s talk centred around his love of skydiving and motorbikes and he discovered that his audience was as interested in his skydiving exploits as they were to learn about his video techniques!

Keith showed examples of how he used video software to edit his video clips to make very professional-looking videos which could be used for both personal and commercial purposes.

Both talks generated many questions and sparked quite a bit of interest amongst the club members.

At this week’s meeting, images which have been submitted for the club’s internal Novice Competition will be judged. New members are always welcome and if anyone with an interest in photography would like more details of joining the club they should visit the club website – –

1 Comment

  • Elvis Presley

    15 November, 2023

    Keith may not be jumping from planes but his water attenuation crate videos are worthy of an Oscar!!

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