Last Thursday evening, Club Chairman Keith Wilson welcomed many existing members and an encouraging number of ‘newbies’ to the first meeting of the new season. He recapped on the busy summer the members have had since the last ‘official’ meeting in April and he outlined the exciting and varied programme which has been planned for the weekly meetings right through to 17 April 2025.

Keith also mentioned a new initiative which will be starting on Monday evening of this week, when club members, with a certain expertise, will give tutorial talks via Zoom on aspects of the use of photo-editing programs such as Photoshop and Lightroom.

As usual, there was time for a cup of tea and a biscuit and a chat when new and old members got an opportunity to catch up and make new friends.

At this week’s meeting the special speaker will be renowned architecture photographer Donal McCann. This promises to be a very interesting evening.

New members are always welcome and if anyone with an interest in photography would like more details of joining the club they should visit the club website – –

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