Ballynahinch Camera Club held its Annual General Meeting last Thursday evening and it was attended by a very encouraging number of members. Outgoing chairman, Alan Chowney, welcomed everyone to this important meeting and thanked the committee members for all their support during his three years in the chair, with a special word of thanks to club secretary, Frances Price, who is the ‘glue’ which holds the club together.

Alan went on to summarise the activities of the club during the past year and to say that the focus of the Committee for the 2023/24 season had been to push members to develop technically and artistically. This had been clearly demonstrated in the quality of images submitted as the season progressed and these had resulted in Ballynahinch being placed fourth out of nearly thirty camera clubs which are affiliated to the Northern Ireland Photographic Association. The wide variety of high-quality speakers and the various activities which were held throughout the year had ensured there was something for everyone, regardless of their photographic expertise.

Alan also mentioned with pride the work which the club has done recently in helping Edengrove Presbyterian Church to celebrate its 250th anniversary. This project involved taking photographs which capture the many activities which are associated with the church and these images will become part of the history of the people and the place.

Alan finished his report by wishing Keith Wilson every success as he takes over in his role as chairman.

Club treasurer Angela McCullagh then delivered her financial report and was happy to announce that the club’s funds were in quite a healthy state.

Club president, Terry Hanna, then declared all situations vacant as he dissolved the current committee, and he conducted the election of the committee which will serve for the 2024/25 season.

Following the formal part of the evening Keith Wilson invited feedback on the previous year’s activities and suggestions for the incoming season. Much lively discussion followed with many ideas being shared and debated. It is hoped to have more activities throughout the summer months than have happened in the past and these include studio sessions and day trips to places of interest.

Members left the meeting greatly enthused by what they had heard and already looking forward to the new season which will start at the end of August.

New members are always welcome and if anyone with an interest in photography would like more details of joining the club they should visit the club website – –

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